Sunday, February 14, 2010

Beer 42 - PranQster, North Coast Brewing

Sometimes my wife has a great sense of humor that comes through in her presents. One of her favorite things to do is give gifts (and receive them.) Today is Valentines Day and she has really come through big with my present. In case you missed it from the picture above, it's a T-shirt that says "I Love Beer!"

So it is in dedication to my hilarious wife that I drink the PranQster. I love you babe, and I appreciate your dedication to my goal of drinking a lot of beer.

Scene Setting: Watching the pairs figure skating short programs with my wife, having a great Valentines day. I wasn't even bothered that I was watching figure skating because I was too distracted by the fancy new T-Shirt I was wearing.

Verdict: So far I like everything that North Coast does, and this is near the top of the list. Pour this one into a glass to appreciate the great floral aroma. This ale gives some nice fruity flavors and has a crisp finish. A light feel even with the 7.6% ABV.


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