Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Beer 55 - Old Guardian, Stone Brewing Company

After a long day of insurance training I felt a little under the weather. It wasn't just the end of the class I
was looking forward to but I also began feeling sick. Medicine, or a serious beer was needed.

I hadn't had a beer from the Stone Brewery yet so I thought the Barley Wine was a perfect fit for what tonight called for. I needed power. Knock me out power. 1 Pt 6 oz of 11.1%ABV should do the trick.

Scene Setting: Sinking into the couch for the evening. Hoping this giant beer is good. I have high hopes for Stone.

Verdict: I'm pretty sure this is what I was looking for. I enjoy a good barley wine but the last few have leaned towards the sweet/smooth side. The Stone version is a little more edgy. I enjoyed the harshness. Powerful finish too.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Beer 54 - Mardi Gras Bock, Abita Brewing Company

The other day I was working on my oven and I needed a drill bit that I didn't have so I went to my neighbor Bob who usually has what I need. While I was over there I offered one of my homebrews to him and he said he couldn't because he gave up beer for Lent. I told him I would save one for him.

When he said Lent it reminded me that Mardi Gras must be over, and that I had a Mardi Gras Bock in my fridge.

I'm not Catholic so I don't usually partake in Lent, but I did once for the experience. I actually gave up alcohol for Lent in 2005. It was a great time of focus. Although I'm still missing what Mardi Gras has to offer.

Scene Setting: After finishing my Totinos Pizza Roles, Peanut Butter, Jelly, and Doritos sandwich and my glass of milk I sat on the couch with my bride for the rest of the night.

Verdict: I liked the similarity upfront to the maibock beers I've had before. As I let is simmer the malt feel grew. I liked the strong but smooth aftertaste. Beautiful color too.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Beer 53 - Bombshell Blonde, Southern Star Brewing Company

Just finished my delicious potato soup my wife made. MMmmm bacon, cheese, and potatoes. Anyway, I'm trying to watch less TV but a show I like to watch that is actually encouraging was on.

Undercover Boss. Where the CEO of a random major company goes undercover to see what improvements can be made. Today happened to be Hooters so I thought the Bombshell Blonde was a fitting choice.
Tonight's episode was not terribly encouraging but it was very revealing. I was reminded that some of the people in this world are confused about what life is all about and are possibly way more confused than they even realize.

Scene Setting: Sitting on my couch watching what may be the biggest jerk of a manager (who just happened to be in the S. Arlington location) I may have ever seen. If I was the CEO he would have had to do more than apologize to his staff. Looking for another job might be more appropriate. If I was a dad, husband, or boyfriend of one of the girls on his staff I don't know if I would contain myself.

Verdict: I liked the Blonde. I prefer Brunette, but Blonde will do. I'm speaking of beer of course, otherwise my wife is the only one for me and she's Brunette. But this Blonde beer was good. I enjoyed the balance. Overall good smooth feel with a light hop to give a crisp finish. The other thing I liked was that it comes in cans, very flexible.