The other day I was working on my oven and I needed a drill bit that I didn't have so I went to my neighbor Bob who usually has what I need. While I was over there I offered one of my homebrews to him and he said he couldn't because he gave up beer for Lent. I told him I would save one for him.
When he said Lent it reminded me that Mardi Gras must be over, and that I had a Mardi Gras Bock in my fridge.
I'm not Catholic so I don't usually partake in Lent, but I did once for the experience. I actually gave up alcohol for Lent in 2005. It was a great time of focus. Although I'm still missing what Mardi Gras has to offer.
Scene Setting: After finishing my Totinos Pizza Roles, Peanut Butter, Jelly, and Doritos sandwich and my glass of milk I sat on the couch with my bride for the rest of the night.
Verdict: I liked the similarity upfront to the maibock beers I've had before. As I let is simmer the malt feel grew. I liked the strong but smooth aftertaste. Beautiful color too.
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