Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Beer 55 - Old Guardian, Stone Brewing Company

After a long day of insurance training I felt a little under the weather. It wasn't just the end of the class I
was looking forward to but I also began feeling sick. Medicine, or a serious beer was needed.

I hadn't had a beer from the Stone Brewery yet so I thought the Barley Wine was a perfect fit for what tonight called for. I needed power. Knock me out power. 1 Pt 6 oz of 11.1%ABV should do the trick.

Scene Setting: Sinking into the couch for the evening. Hoping this giant beer is good. I have high hopes for Stone.

Verdict: I'm pretty sure this is what I was looking for. I enjoy a good barley wine but the last few have leaned towards the sweet/smooth side. The Stone version is a little more edgy. I enjoyed the harshness. Powerful finish too.


what we’re drinking said...

Good luck with the year. It'll hurt more than you'll expect it to. I'm glad ours is on the final leg.

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