Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Beer 55 - Old Guardian, Stone Brewing Company

After a long day of insurance training I felt a little under the weather. It wasn't just the end of the class I
was looking forward to but I also began feeling sick. Medicine, or a serious beer was needed.

I hadn't had a beer from the Stone Brewery yet so I thought the Barley Wine was a perfect fit for what tonight called for. I needed power. Knock me out power. 1 Pt 6 oz of 11.1%ABV should do the trick.

Scene Setting: Sinking into the couch for the evening. Hoping this giant beer is good. I have high hopes for Stone.

Verdict: I'm pretty sure this is what I was looking for. I enjoy a good barley wine but the last few have leaned towards the sweet/smooth side. The Stone version is a little more edgy. I enjoyed the harshness. Powerful finish too.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Beer 54 - Mardi Gras Bock, Abita Brewing Company

The other day I was working on my oven and I needed a drill bit that I didn't have so I went to my neighbor Bob who usually has what I need. While I was over there I offered one of my homebrews to him and he said he couldn't because he gave up beer for Lent. I told him I would save one for him.

When he said Lent it reminded me that Mardi Gras must be over, and that I had a Mardi Gras Bock in my fridge.

I'm not Catholic so I don't usually partake in Lent, but I did once for the experience. I actually gave up alcohol for Lent in 2005. It was a great time of focus. Although I'm still missing what Mardi Gras has to offer.

Scene Setting: After finishing my Totinos Pizza Roles, Peanut Butter, Jelly, and Doritos sandwich and my glass of milk I sat on the couch with my bride for the rest of the night.

Verdict: I liked the similarity upfront to the maibock beers I've had before. As I let is simmer the malt feel grew. I liked the strong but smooth aftertaste. Beautiful color too.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Beer 53 - Bombshell Blonde, Southern Star Brewing Company

Just finished my delicious potato soup my wife made. MMmmm bacon, cheese, and potatoes. Anyway, I'm trying to watch less TV but a show I like to watch that is actually encouraging was on.

Undercover Boss. Where the CEO of a random major company goes undercover to see what improvements can be made. Today happened to be Hooters so I thought the Bombshell Blonde was a fitting choice.
Tonight's episode was not terribly encouraging but it was very revealing. I was reminded that some of the people in this world are confused about what life is all about and are possibly way more confused than they even realize.

Scene Setting: Sitting on my couch watching what may be the biggest jerk of a manager (who just happened to be in the S. Arlington location) I may have ever seen. If I was the CEO he would have had to do more than apologize to his staff. Looking for another job might be more appropriate. If I was a dad, husband, or boyfriend of one of the girls on his staff I don't know if I would contain myself.

Verdict: I liked the Blonde. I prefer Brunette, but Blonde will do. I'm speaking of beer of course, otherwise my wife is the only one for me and she's Brunette. But this Blonde beer was good. I enjoyed the balance. Overall good smooth feel with a light hop to give a crisp finish. The other thing I liked was that it comes in cans, very flexible.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Beer 52 - La Fin Du Monde, Unibroue

Today is the last day of the Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver, BC. What a finale we had with the Men's hockey gold medal match. Canada wins in OT. It was quite an outcome overall too with the Canadians never having won a gold on home turf. They came through big with the most golds at 14, even though the USA won the overall medal count with 37.

So it is in honor of Canada's success (and the fond memories of my honeymoon in Canada) that I drink this fantastic tripel from Unibroue.

Scene Setting: Reclining in my home office enjoying "La Fin Du Monde" (The End of the World) while reading Genesis and snippets of C.S. Lewis, a brilliant thinker.

Verdict: I just might travel to the end of the earth for a bottle of this stuff. Enticing aroma that fulfils its promise with a great blend of fruit and spice. I also enjoyed the champagne-like feel. Very classy.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Beer 51 - Leviathan Imperial Red, Harpoon Brewery

My day started by sleeping through my alarm. I guess I just hadn't recovered from the soccer game last night. That didn't matter though I still had to go to my 8 hour coaching clinic.

It felt like a long Saturday, but with all the activity I'm betting my body will feel like a Leviathan had it's way with me in my sleep. Tomorrow will be painful.

Scene Setting: Enjoying the couch with my sweetheart while watching the Olympics and SNL.

Verdict: 9.2% ABV speaks for itself. It starts with some good hops and a lot of them but is balanced with a mild malty feel.Overall though it's bitter and strong.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Beer 50 - Hop Devil, Victory Brewing Company

Today was a big day in the Beer Expedition. I finally hit a significant number. 50 feels like a victory, so I decided on a beer from Victory. That's also kind of ironic since we had it handed to us last night in our soccer game, NOT a victory!!

I really enjoy strong hops. I guess the name gives this one away, but aside from that Victory is known for their use of hops and many have said this one is bitter.

Scene Setting: Reflecting over both my soccer loss and all the beers along my journey. Flipping through absolutely nothing on TV.

Verdict: Very possibly the hoppiest beer I've had. If you don't like hops you won't be able to take this one. I enjoyed it because I like hops but can see how it may overwhelm some.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Beer 49 - Brown Ale, Tilburg's Dutch

I had the opportunity to get to know a new friend tonight. We had a new couple that came to our weekly gathering at our home to discuss real life and how to live it successfully with God's help. Our discussion was over conflict and how it can be beneficial. Tonight I learned that conflict can and should be used as a tool. I think conflict has the potential to bind you, but it also has the ability to move you forward to new understanding.

Being an introvert has its advantages, but my first thought when conflict arises is to internalize. It has been an ongoing lesson to learn how to communicate clearly what frustrates me.

Scene Setting: Sitting around the round table in the kitchen, having an ale, and talking about one of my new favorite subjects (homebrew).

Verdict: Sometimes browns are off of my radar. Beers like this one give me pause. I really enjoy browns and should pay more attention to them. This one had a minor sweetness mingled with a crisp feel that browns don't usually give me. I like this Brown.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Beer 48 - Butt Head, Tommyknocker Brewery & Pub

All afternoon I was feeling ornery. Sometimes I feel like I just want to be left alone or you can face the wrath of the Butt Head.

I can actually get kind of grouchy. I may have to go to bed early tonight.

Scene Setting: I just finished watching the USA beat the Canadians in hockey. Then I had to watch ice dancing. Maybe I'll dream about hockey.

Verdict: Slightly sweet, I think from the caramel. Mostly though it was a great malty ale full of mouth feel.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Beer 47 - Pipeline, Kona Brewing Company

Long, long day. I thought it was around 10:30pm and when I checked the clock it was only 7:15. I feel like I need to drink some coffee, but the Pipeline porter will have to do. It's made with 100% Hawaiian Kona Coffee.

Today was Kareah's first trip to Dr Jeckyll's so we celebrated with some Vanilla Cream Soda from Thomas Kemper for her.

Scene Setting: After we got home we eventually made it to the couch. Kareah with her cream Soda, and me with my coffee porter.

Verdict: Coffee is one of those things that I just don't like to do without. Whoever first thought of adding it to beer was/is a genius. The Pipeline Porter does a fantastic job of merging the two.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Beer 46 - Dead Guy, Rogue

Well today we had another 100% passing day. The world has 22 more adjusters!! I was excited to be able to go visit some of my previous students where my brother works now. Here's a shout out to Amy, Molly, Sarah, Gentry, and Connie!! It was great to see some of you again.
Not only that, I showed up to have my beer for the day and I ran into another student that came through my P&C Agent class a while back. He passed!!

Scene Setting: Relaxing at the Flying Saucer in Dallas after a long week of insurance training. Tim and I met up after his final day of training as an auto adjuster. That calls for a celebration.

Verdict: I like the Dead Guy. It was Tim's choice and I went with it too. I hadn't had a Rogue yet so it was a timely choice. For a dead guy he's pretty smooth. Light feel upfront with a good malty finish.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Beer 45 - Pete's Wicked Ale, Pete's Brewing Company

Taking in a little half pipe action with the men's snowboarding. Totally wicked!! Go Shaun White.

Lindsey Vonn pulled off some wicked speed in the downhill too. Go United States, we're the best.

Scene Setting: Glued to the TV watching the USA dominate. Democracy Rules, Go Freedom!!

Verdict: Brown ales are some of my favorites. I really enjoyed this one because of its unique rubyness. It had all the usual goodness of a strong brown, but also a mild sweet and sour finish.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Beer 44 - Drop Top Amber Ale, Widmer Brothers

Girls night has been moved back to Tuesday, so I had to become scarce. No problem, it's pint night at the Firehouse. Widmer and Kona were on tonight.

Tonight is one of those nights I want to sit alone and fade into deep thought. Sometimes (most of the time) that's what I prefer.

Scene Setting: Sitting by myself at a table pounding my competition at electronic poker. At the moment I have $29,000 in chips, and the player in second has $2,700.

Verdict: Nice floral aroma. Smooth texture and mild hops. This beer is easy to drink. I tend to prefer beer with more extreme flavors, but if you don't want your beer to bite back you will probably enjoy this one.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Beer 43 - Mighty Arrow, New Belgium Brewing

I stopped by the Firehouse to take one of the "Relentless Hefes" to James the owner for a taste test. He liked it. His opinion matters too. He's pretty knowledgeable about beer, and he's always trying to bring in new great beers. Some great Dogfish Head is coming soon, and everyone needs to go have some!!

Tim and I have gotten nothing but good feedback on our first home brew "Relentless Hefe." Feedback from a bar owner/beer aficionado, a home brew store owner, and a brewmaster from a Texas brewery. I'm not bragging, I'm just glad the first attempt was a success!

Scene Setting: At the Firehouse, enjoying a beer with James. He just got the Mighty Arrow on tap and I had to give it a shot. James mentioned they have a poker night that is about to move to Tuesday, and I plan to take part soon.

Verdict: I saw a documentary on New Belgium once and I love the brewery. It only makes it better that they make excellent beer. I enjoy pales a lot and this one is a favorite. Good aroma leads into an excellent use of hops. Light fruitiness with a mild finish.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Beer 42 - PranQster, North Coast Brewing

Sometimes my wife has a great sense of humor that comes through in her presents. One of her favorite things to do is give gifts (and receive them.) Today is Valentines Day and she has really come through big with my present. In case you missed it from the picture above, it's a T-shirt that says "I Love Beer!"

So it is in dedication to my hilarious wife that I drink the PranQster. I love you babe, and I appreciate your dedication to my goal of drinking a lot of beer.

Scene Setting: Watching the pairs figure skating short programs with my wife, having a great Valentines day. I wasn't even bothered that I was watching figure skating because I was too distracted by the fancy new T-Shirt I was wearing.

Verdict: So far I like everything that North Coast does, and this is near the top of the list. Pour this one into a glass to appreciate the great floral aroma. This ale gives some nice fruity flavors and has a crisp finish. A light feel even with the 7.6% ABV.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Beer 41 - Ten Fidy, Oskar Blues Brewery

Tim has been on me to watch Pineapple Express, so tonight we made it happen. It's been a while since I've laughed that hard. Today has been fun, we just hung out all day crackin' wise and laughing.

We stopped by Dr Jeckyll's to grab a few beers today, and this one caught my eye. A fellow insurance agent recommended it so I thought I'd give it a shot.

Scene Setting: Sitting on my couch with my bro. Watching TV and eating pizza from BJ's. That combo with this motor oil beer can't fail.

Verdict: Definitely the blackest beer I've ever seen. When I poured it the last few drops looked like syrup between the glass and can. I enjoyed this stout. If you like stouts and pushing the limits this beer will do it for you.

Beer 40 - Sisyphus 2007, Real Ale Brewing Company

I like Sisyphus. We have much in common. Not the whole cursed thing, but the whole pushing a rock uphill I get. Endurance is a theme in my life. If I have a goal to do something I am so bull headed until it's done. Life itself is that way. If you don't keep putting one foot in front of the other (pushing the boulder) you lose. Losing is not in my vocab. Endurance is.

Scene Setting: The Gingerman in Fort Worth with my brother Tim. A little U2/Red Hill Town. That, Pat Green, and Willie Nelson makes for great environment.

Verdict: Top notch barleywine. Sweet aroma with a mildly sweet taste. Not too sweet, just right for a barleywine. Again, I can't wait to go to Blanco.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Beer - 39 K-9 Cruiser, Flying Dog Brewery

Fun day today in the snow. The most snow we've had here in over 20 years. We all went outside to build a snowman and have a real snowball fight. I got one really good shot in on Corban. He peaked out of a playhouse right as my huge snowball found its mark on his forehead.

I decided to drink the K-9 Winter Ale in honor of the winter wonderland we've had around here, and the opening ceremonies of the 2010
Olympic games in Vancouver, BC. We have been anxiously looking forward to the winter Olympics.

Scene Setting: Hanging with the family watching the opening ceremonies. I think I could live in Vancouver. The scenery on the west coast of British Colombia is amazing. Maybe we will be able to go visit some friends that are starting a church there next month.

Verdict: Oh yeah. The perfect beer for today. Sometimes I wish certain beers weren't seasonal, but then again what would I look forward to. A sweet aroma yields to a fantastic malty beer with a mild hoppiness woven throughout. I wish I had more than one.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Beer 38 - Celebrator, Ayinger Brewery

Snow, snow, and more snow!! Let's celebrate. The district already canceled school for tomorrow. Maybe the kids will sleep in and we'll have something else to celebrate.

All morning I read from a book I picked up from the Half Price Books store, "The Strong Willed Child," by Dobson. A few of the discipline techniques and insight made me want to celebrate. It's been a great reminder that raising kids and leading a family doesn't have to be filled with stress, it can be a celebration!!

Scene Setting: Listening to the fire crackle in the fireplace, trying to stay warm for a few more minutes while I finish writing. In my mind though I'm already in bed, nice and toasty.

Verdict: Overall it was pretty good. It started off very sweet like molasses, which is not something I usually like. In the end though it came through with a slight hop. Enough aftertaste to keep me drinking it. I would suggest it to all my dark beer friends that like sweet flavors.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Beer 37 - Golden Monkey, Victory Brewing Company

I don't think I have ever been so glad to be done with a class. I verified today that there is such a thing as a stupid question. That's just something instructors tell you to make you feel better. Yeah, it was a dumb question. Everyone behind you was making faces.

Victory! It actually felt like a victory when I stopped talking after the last unit. I imagined trumpets, confetti, champagne bottles opening, and angels singing. I also imagined the sound my hand would make as I slapped that one student in the back of the head.

Scene Setting: I am a fly on the wall. A satellite circling the planet of "Girlsnight." All was ok through the discussion about careers but it took a nose-dive when we entered PMS, and barely made it into crazy professors. Don't ask me how we got from PMS to crazy.

Verdict: I really enjoyed this tripel. Great spices, but what really got my attention was the strength. A strong alcohol content yet a smooth flavor. I'm looking forward to more from Victory.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Beer 36 - The Original Sorghum Malt Beer, Bard's Beer

I had never heard of a sorghum malt beer before, but it looked interesting to me as I looked over my options at the Whole Foods beer selection.

I guess if you want to drink beer but you have Celiac Disease this is a good option for you, as it has no wheat, barley, rye, or oats. Its only ingredients are water, sorghum, hops, and yeast.

Scene Setting: Just sat down after a long day of teaching others about insurance. Some days feel longer than others, but even on a good day 9 hours is a long time to talk about insurance.

Verdict: The flavor is good. Part of the uniqueness tastes a little sweet. I don't really like sweets too much, but would readily accept this as a viable option periodically or if I had Celiac Disease. Those of you who like beer and sweets should try this one.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Beer 35 - Ranger IPA, New Belgium Brewing

When I see or hear the word ranger my first thought is not the Texas Rangers even though I live in Arlington, or because Lonesome Dove is my favorite movie about the Texas Rangers that fought the Indians to protect the settlers. My first thought is of Aragorn the ranger and rightful king in The Lord of the Rings.

Aragorn is mysterious, powerful, and unaffected by the evil force that controls the ring. You can't help but want to be like him. He pushes himself to the limit covering miles of earth on foot in extreme terrain and temperatures, fighting legions of evil creatures, and all to protect the people of the earth from the evil one. You can draw your own parallel if you want to, but I think that is not unlike the battle we fight to save and preserve our family and friends on this earth.

Scene Setting: Reading a little of the The Two Towers (yes I know I read way to many books at once, but I like to keep my options open). Aragonr, Legolas, and Gimli were just reintroduced to the new and improved Gandalf.

Verdict: Very hoppy. You'll have to get one and read the bottle to understand this part, but Yes I'm a hopinista and I'm glad that the Beer Rangers made this well balanced IPA. If I lived in Colorado I would work for New Belgium Brewing!!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Beer 34 - Stout, Saint Arnold Brewing Company

Victory or Death. That was the resolve of our first president as he lead troops in a war for our independence. I think it should also be our resolve as we live our lives. It may seem like those are our only two options because eventually one of the two will come to pass. There is one more option though, and that is to run in the face of danger and opposition. I think that's the option old George threw out.

Scene Setting: After all the kids went down to bed I sat down to watch "A drive through history" about George Washington. That is a man I can drink to. He was stout.

Verdict: Stout, very stout. It starts strong and doesn't yield much, but the flavor was smooth. Here's to the Patron Saint of Brewing.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Beer 33 - Piranaha Pale Ale, BJ's Brewhouse

With a few errands to run and a car load of boys we decided to go let them get rid of some of their energy at the mall playground. After an hour of chasing them around we worked up quite an appetite so off we went for some pizza and beer. Good opportunity for me to catch up on one of the days I missed when I was sick.

Scene Setting: BJs Brewhouse in Arlington, having a great lunch with my wife. It's been a while since I've had the Bacon Cheeseburger Pizza. Delicious! Fantastic waitstaff and managers too. The experience here is always good.

Verdict: I love pales and this one is near the top of my list. Great floral aroma with a good bite from the hops and a crisp finish. It's one of my favorites from BJ's

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Beer 32 - Anniversary Stout 250, Guinness

"We must all fear evil men but there is another kind of evil which we must fear most, and that is the indifference of good men." -The Boondock Saints

The degradation of our society has primarily come from the indifference of good men. First, we need to resurrect the production of "good men," and second we need the "good men" that are out there to put on their armor and fight.

Scene Setting: Watching the Boondock Saints and trying to stay warm on the couch with a little Guinness Anniversary Stout.

Verdict: This Anniversary Stout has a hint of the regular stout except that I'm noticing some chocolate undertones, and a little higher quality (not that Guinness doesn't bring superior quality every time.) I think the Anniversary has the essence of celebration with it, an extra smoothness. With Guinness and the Boondock Saints you can't go wrong.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Beer 31 - Midas Touch, Dogfish Head Craft Brewery

All day I was looking forward to coming home and drinking a great beer! Great might be an understatement.

After dinner we watched "This is it," the documentary about what would have been Michael Jackson's last tour. As odd as he was sometimes, he definitely had the Midas Touch. Without a doubt he was a brilliant artist.

Scene Setting: Sitting amazed as I watched the moves that made me put the glove on and moonwalk through the living room when I was a kid. I had the Billie Jean routine down!

Verdict: I honestly had no idea what to expect with this ale. Barley, honey, white muscat grapes, and saffron? Every drink opened with a sweetness, the strength built, and it ended with a dryness reminiscent of a smooth wine. I didn't want to finish it. I wanted to savor every drop.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Beer 30 - Lhasa Beer, Tibet Lhasa Brewery

I went on my lunch break today from teaching in the fun filled world of insurance. Down to the Whole foods to get some pizza by the slice. Who knew that I would find one of the best beer selections in Arlington there. I have not seen a grocery store anywhere come close to offering the same abundance.

I was feeling a little a little exotic today, so I decided to go with this one from Tibet. Brewed with Himalayan spring water sounds pretty exotic to me.

Scene Setting: Having a peanut butter, jelly, and Doritos sandwich. Sitting with my fuzzy headed, 8 month old, smiley son, waiting on my wife to get back from couponing at Kroger. As you can see my life is pretty exotic, even without beer from Tibet.

Verdict: Crisp at the beginning, but the maltiness takes over soon. Great earthy feel in the aftertaste. I'd probably drink it again but I read something about it being brewed by communists. I guess I'll have to do a little research. I don't support communism.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Beer 29 - Oktoberfest, Left Hand Brewing Company

It seems, at least so far, that you never stop learning about those even closest to you. Sometimes I ask my daughter probing questions with the intent of knowing her better.

"If you could live anywhere where would you live?" She said that she wanted to live at her grandmother's house. I was, at first, a little taken back by her answer. I wondered why she didn't like living with us. Through a few more questions I find that her purpose is space. She likes to play in a large front yard. She also loves animals, specifically horses. As soon as I heard her hearts request my mind began thinking of how I could make it happen.

Scene Setting: Enjoying a nice fire as I watch "Sense and Sensibility" with my wife. The estates with the rolling hills caused me to remember my daughters request, as I drink my oktoberfest beer wondering what change might occur by next October.

Verdict: Very sweet aroma and flavor, although not overwhelming. Malty with a dry finish. There is a lot going on with the flavors and aromas but all positive.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Beer 28 - Full Moon Rye, Real Ale Brewery

Our men's soccer team had an 11:00 game tonight and I'm beat! Nothing to cure exhaustion like a few beers at the Firehouse (our team sponsor).

Tonight James suggested the Full Moon Rye from Real Ale in Blanco, TX. I like Texas natives. Road trip coming soon, anyone for Blanco?

Scene Setting: At the Firehouse Grill and Brewery with team after another victory. New server tonight, Raquel doing it right. All around great staff at the Firehouse.

Verdict: Its nice to find a bar with a good atmosphere, but it's even better when you couple that with a great beer selection. I like the effort James puts into his grill and brewery. I'm definitely looking forward to Blanco. This rye was exceptional. Crisp, excellent use of hops, and you know I like hops. I like it. You should stop by the Firehouse and try it. I just found out they have a Sunday brunch I'd like to try too. Sent from my iPhone

Friday, January 29, 2010

Beer 27 - Hop Hound, Michelob Brewing Co.

You just know it's gonna be a good night when your friends call and ask if they can bring you beer. There's only one answer to that question. It only made it better that when Brian came to drop it off he got to stay a while and catch up. We are both so busy with work and coaching our kids teams that we don't get to hang out much.

Like I said in my profile, beer generates community. Finally a little time to talk some philosophy, politics, religion, and sports.

Scene Setting: Hangin in my living room with Brian. We covered everything from Obama to How to coach a 7 yr old boys basketball team proper defense. A discussion that could at any moment (and may have for all we know) take just the right turn and change the world forever.

Verdict: I have to be honest. Tonight was the first time I can remember typing LOL to anyone. I just don't do that. But Amber texted me from the beer isle and asked if I wanted Mike's Hard Lemonade. I actually laughed out loud, so I thought it only fair to let her know. I'm still not sure if that was a joke or not, but it sure was funny. What she ended up sending with Brian was much more appropriate (he snobbishly said). I think she might have picked that one because it had her name in it. This is a good beer to have around. I enjoyed the citrus hints and the malty finish. Not only that, my wife liked it which is rare.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Beer 26 - Noble Pils, Samuel Adams

Some days just call for sitting at a bar and having one on tap. I have to admit I get out a lot less than I'd like. Although, the wife and three kids have something to do with that, I'm more than happy to make that trade. I thought I'd stroll down Cooper St. and see what the first bar had to offer. It happened to be TGIFridays. Sam Adams has a seasonal pilsner that looked to be my prime candidate. Everything else was pretty much the norm (and that's not how I roll). The bar tender Chantry hooked me up with this sweet Sam Adams glass!!

Scene Setting: Sitting at the bar of the local TGIFridays. A scene so familiar but what seems like so long ago. I'm an insurance adjuster for catastrophies like hurricanes, tornadoes, and major hail storms. The work usually takes me far from home and at long time intervals (at least months at a time). The only thing to do when you get off at 11:00pm is go eat and drink at whatever bar is near your hotel.

Verdict: Crisp and hoppy. I got the sense of a little floral aftertaste too. I may not choose it if I was at the beer store with hundreds of options, but in the same situation knowing what I know now I would order it again.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Beer 25 - Winter Welcome Ale, Samuel Smith

This beer is supposed to welcome the winter. "Brewed for the short days and long nights of winter," the story goes. You know, I think they're on to something. This sounds like an opportunity to catch up on some sleep. Give credit to Thomas Edison for being smart and generous with his knowledge, but we abuse his gift. With the simple flip of a switch we can now push our bodies well past their limits.

Wouldn't it be nice to see the sun setting and know that rest was forthcoming. So in the spirit of sleep with the help of old Samuel Smith, I Welcome Winter too.

Scene Setting: Sitting in my home office, pushing my body well past its limit. Reminiscing about Jos, Nigeria where I actually got a taste of the lifestyle I spoke of above. A three week taste that I will never forget!

Verdict: I think any Ale that advocates more rest and has an endorsement from Shakespeare on the label has to get a thumbs up from me. Fantastic winter brew with solid malt feel.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Beer 24 - Andygator, Abita Brewing Company

I was talking to a friend today who said something about a temporary job with a company in New Orleans, which made me think about when I was in New Orleans, which reminded me of all the Turbo Dog I drank when I was there, which made me think of Abita Brewing, which reminded me of a beer I heard of but never had. Andygator.

Well, come to find out Andygator only comes in 1 pint 6oz bottles. That coupled with the 8%ABV makes for a serious endeavor.

Scene Setting: Watching the rest of the Black Donnellys series on DVD with my brother and a couple Andygators.

Verdict: I like the beer but with its mild aroma and sweet flavor it's a little deceiving. I get now why the suggestion was to sip and not gulp. Gators look like floating logs until they come flying out of the river and drag you back in with them.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Beer 23 - Summerbright Ale, Breckenridge Brewery

My favorite movie of all time is Lonesome Dove. I have nearly all six hours memorized. My beautiful bride decided to get the book for me as a Christmas gift, which has proved to be very useful. Practical and simple are good for me. Like the new coffee pot she also got me. I use it every day.

The draw for me is not necessarily the small town in south Texas on the Rio Grande, although it has its appeal too(the heat a dryness of the S. Texas desert is probably what convinced me to drink a summer beer today). What pulls me in is the discontentment we share, me and the Captain. Now don't get me wrong, I am definitely content with all the Lord has blessed me with, which is everything I have. The discontentment I speak of is with the everyday. The world in my head tells me that there's something to be done. One more project or mission that I should undertake to keep me from dying of boredom. I need an adventure.

Scene Setting: I hope this is not TMI. Stretched out in my tub with my Summerbright Ale and chapter 13 of Lonesome Dove. They just got back from "reclaiming" horses from Mexico and are preparing for the drive to Montana.

Verdict: My first thought was that it was honest and solid in construction. Just kidding, that was printed on the bottle. Although when I drank it first I did think "that's a good beer from the aroma to the aftertaste," and I guess that's another way of saying solid. Anyhow, I enjoyed it and it left me with a light feel that would be welcome in the heat of the summer.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Beer 22 - Old Jubilation, Avery Brewing Company

Jubilation has been far from our thoughts the past week. I am mostly well, but everyone else is still in the thick of it.

Although I did find something. My son has been catching on to the idea of obedience. It's like a light has turned on. It makes me want to dance a jig when I say something and hear a "yes sir," and actually see some action behind the words, over and over again for the majority of the day.

Scene Setting: After tucking all in, and dishing out the medicine I recline for a while to unwind for the day.

Verdict: Old Jubilation also gave me something to jubilate!! It was very strong. I enjoyed what reminded me of a good brown. No spice, and minimal noticeable hops. A great malty beer that will not only warm you through the winter, but cause spontaneous dancing.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Beer 21 - Monster Ale, Brooklyn Brewery

First, I've decided to change the format of my titles from Day 21 to Beer 21. It only makes sense now after being very sick and missing a day or two. It may not be day 21, but it is definitely beer 21. And it's really all about the beer anyway, not the day.

Ambiance is important to me, for some weird reason. I feel like if I'm drinking a barley wine I should be reading something like Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, some Sherlock Holmes, or the Bible. Which happened to play a role in my beer selection this fine evening.

Scene Setting: The very broken in "comfy couch" in our front sitting room I guess you'd call it, since that appears all you could do in this room. Well you can read too, that's what I'm doing. I just got my new ESV Study Bible and I cracked it open to Genesis. It's gigantic. It is full of extra material on the author of genesis, arrangement, themes, History of Salvation, Genesis and History, Genesis and Science, Reading Genesis in the 21st Century, Maps, Outlines, Genealogies. Ohhh yeah. You know that feeling when an author can just take hold of you and before you know it your in another world. Every time I read the Word of God the words and stories move deep into me and echo the same thing. I am assured that even though I'm undeserving God himself desires to know me, and save me not only from a life of brokenness, but from an eternity without His presence.

Verdict: Although I have had a barleywine that I didn't like, I am certain that if done properly this style of beer is near the top of my preference list. The 10% ABV does add to the beauty. I very much enjoyed the Monster Ale tonight.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Day 20 - Cocoa Porter, Tommyknocker Brewery and Pub

Finally, a few of us are getting over our sickness. Maybe another day of symptoms and we'll be over it completely.

We all decided to hang tonight because we were all getting cabin fever.

Scene Setting: Just after having some of my homemade buffalo wings we all (Me, Kareah, Tim, and Lauren) sat down to a few episodes of Community we had recorded. Tim and I have yet to decide what movie will complete the night.

Verdict: Great winter beer. It's a strong porter specimen, with a little chocolate. For those of you that have been reading you know I'm not a desert guy but I could easily see myself enjoying a few of these at a Christmas party or beside the fireplace with a captivating book.

Day 20 - Coming Soon

I have been very sick for a few days. All of the medicines I'm taking say not to take with alcohol. I will make up the posts that I miss soon. The good thing is that I didn't set up any hard and fast rules on having to drink a beer every day. That is the intent, but there is room for flex in the event of emergency or extenuating circumstances.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day 19 - Hefeweizen, Spoetzle Brewery

Everyone I know is sick. Including me. I woke up with a major sore throat. Not a good prospect when your job is to talk/teach all day long. It even hurts my throat to type. I took so much medicine to get through the day I felt numb. My class probably thought there was something wrong with me.

Scene Setting: My wife and I sitting on the couch wondering who is more pittiful. My brother stopped by earlier so I could shave his head. We can throw him into the mix too, he looked pretty miserable.

Verdict: Not my favorite hefeweizen. To be fair though, my taste buds may not be working correctly. It seemed a little sour or tangy. Not to brag, but mine is better. Although I did use a recipe book. Shiner probably invented theirs.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Day 18 - 2010 Annual Grand Cru, BJ's Restaurant & Brewhouse

Kareah and I just left the pediatrician with Ezra and were both famished. She wanted pizza and I wanted beer (out of necessity) so what better place in the area than BJs in Arlington. Their pizza is increadible and they brew their own beer. Quality dinning right here in Arlington. The atmosphere is enjoyable too with many TVs showing the current goings on. Unfortunately I was facing the replays from the Cowboy's loss to the Vikings.

Scene Setting: Sitting in BJs spacious booth with Kareah and my youngest Ezra. Enjoying everything but the Cowboys replay. Sister Hazel playing "All for you" in the background.

Verdict: First, great alcohol content (10% ABV). Great maltiness and use of fruit & spice. It took silver for Belgian-style Strong Specialty Ale at the Great American Beer Festival in 2002, and World Beer Cup in 2000.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Day 17 - Old Plowshare Organic Stout, North Coast Brewing Company

The picture on the front of this stout from North Coast Brewing Company reminded me of something my friend and pastor quoted this morning. "If you sow sparingly you will reap sparingly and if you sow bountifully you will reap bountifully." It reminds me that there is a certain amount of work that must be done. In all things. My marriage, kids, family, friends, job, and anything else worth doing all take work. Some more than others but all at some point are painful work. But the truth is where you sow you will reap, and the amount you reap is directly related to the amount you sow.

This is something I have learned my whole life watching my dad. I never saw the man do anything half way. The powerful part about it is that I'm reaping what he sowed. I can't think of a decision I have to make as a man now that "what would Dad do?" doesn't affect the outcome. So I drink this stout in honor of a man that has never put down the plow as long as I can remember. Thanks for the life lesson Dad, and you didn't even have to say a word.

Scene Setting: An empty house. The kids are with Pamaw and Dan Dan. The silence overtakes me as I think back over a life with my dad and thank God for the man I got to watch demonstrate devotion, kindness, endurance, faithfulness, and integrity.

Verdict: I'm not sure if it was the organic ingredients or the memories but this beer was a great experience. Excellent flavor, strong without being overpowering, kind of like my dad.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Day 16 - Dogtoberfest, Flying Dog

Several years ago my journey towards better beer began. One that made the top of my list early on, and remains one of my go-to beers when hanging out with friends is the pale that Flying Dog brews. So far I haven't had a bad beer from them.
I did a little research too and they won the 2009 "Mid-size Brewery of the Year" at the Great American Beer Festival.

Scene Setting: Post season football and marzen beer. Saints laying down the law as I read the brief history of how Dogtoberfest got started.

Verdict: Danke, to all the Germans for marzen beer. Subtle hops, delicious malty beer, great finish. No wonder it has won several awards.

** Justin you should give this one a shot. And thanks for all the comments, it's good to hear from you.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Day 15 - Scottish Ale, Belhaven

I just about froze to death today. I went hunting with my dad and my brother. The temperature started off fairly comfortable but as the day turned into evening and the rain steadily grew thicker I began to wonder if I would be able to pull my bow back if I did see a deer.
After a day of sitting in the freezing rain I couldn't wait to warm up, starting with the inside.

Scene Setting: Kicked back on the couch with my bride and my daughter watching Anne of Green Gables. Sometimes it's very hard to watch my daughter grow up, but sometimes it really brings joy to my heart.

Verdict: It definitely did the trick for warming but overall I would only drink it on occasion. I can taste the quality without a doubt but my preference leans away from sweet and creamy. It reminded me a bit like apple and cream soda.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Day 14 - Magic Hat #9, Magic Hat Brewery

I'm always looking for a great new beer. I think I found one tonight. Our soccer team is now sponsored by Firehouse Grill and Brewery in Mansfield, TX. The owner James puts a lot of effort into bringing good beer to Mansfield. Anyone looking for a great place to get a quality beer selection on tap try this place. They also have a cigar room. So come on down

Back to the point. James suggested Magic Hat #9 from the Magic Hat Brewery in Vermont. It's a Pale Ale. Pales are on the top of my list, so I went with it.

Scene Setting: Firehouse Grill and Brewery with the team enjoying some beer and appetizers. Katy (our regular) serving up the beer like a champ. The sweet sounds of "You sexy thing" playing on the karaoke machine.

Verdict: Thanks James I'll never doubt you!! This is a great pale. Not as hopped as I'm used to pales being. I usually prefer strong hops, but the uniqueness of this one was fantastic. I enjoyed the light citrus flavor it yielded. I will revisit this beer soon.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Day 13 - Double Chocolate Stout, Young's

The bar has been raised. One of my students who found out about my blog brought me a beer today. I'm not sure where the days of bringing the teacher an apple have gone, but I'm sure I'm not that disappointed.
Now all the rest of you have something to live up to. So if you have a beer suggestion that you would like to make, please feel free to send one over. I will definitely put it into the line-up.
Comment with any suggestions. I look forward to hearing from whoever is reading. It's always good to see a new follower too.

Scene Setting: Girl's night just started and every bit of estrogen has left the house or had a bed time of 7:30. It's just me, James Bond, and my Double Chocolate Stout. The World is Not Enough.
Verdict: I really enjoy a stout, and I've had a few that boasted chocolate goodness. None, however were so convincing than Young's. I usually skip dessert. I know, I'm weird. I think this chocolate stout would satisfy a dessert craving if I ever had one.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Day 12 - Satsuma Harvest Wit, Abita Brewing Company

Every now and then the History Channel has something that can hold your attention. Tonight it was Life After People, "Wrath of God." It's fairly interesting to see to what extent and how fast the enormous places of worship, sacred sights, and cathedrals breakdown and crumble.
What really caught my attention was how anything we create as humans will eventually return to dust. Not only that, God's creation begins to take over and consume every structure. What a great reminder. There is no amount of striving that can rival Gods creative brilliance.
Considering that all man's creations will eventually fade, I thought I should go ahead and drink the Abita summer beer before it deteriorates.
Scene Setting: Slumped deep into my couch watching the world fall apart on the History Channel.
Verdict: Light and refreshing. I enjoyed the citrus and hint of spice. This is a great option for a day out in the sun. Anyone for disc golf?

Monday, January 11, 2010

Day 11 - Autumn Ale, Breckenridge Brewery

Today was a very exhausting day. I honestly don't feel like I have much to say.

Sometimes I get home from work and feel like silence is the best option. That probably is caused by the previous 9 hours of talking. About insurance.

My re-entry into the home and desire for peace and quiet was rocked by what we call "dinner time."

It wasn't until the little ones were in bed that I could actually sit and enjoy the peace.

Scene Setting: My couch, my wife, my beer.

Verdict: Autumn Ale, an Old style ale was a great choice. This is my first beer from the Breckenridge Brewery, and it won't be my last. Great malty feel and flavor with a crisp earthy finish. This reminded me of a few of my favorite brown ales. A good companion for the turning of the leaves.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Day 10 - 2009 Summerfest Lager, Sierra Navada Brewing Company

I went to Dr. Jeckylle's a couple days ago to pick up 12 days worth of beer to write about, and I noticed that a Sierra Nevada 2009 Summerfest Lager was still hanging around. I figured I better grab it before it was gone for good. One of the helpful things about this particular beer store is the knowledge base you have at your fingertips when you walk into the door. Both Pat the owner, and Scott the right hand man are full of great information. Pat helped me build a few 6-packs as I asked every question I could think of about each one. Yeah, that's another thing. You can buy singles or create your own 6-pack. A nice feature I think, for the connoisseur.

Staring at the summer beer in my fridge while it was cold outside just felt weird. Fortunately today it warmed up a bit. I was cleaning my carboys outside today for our latest batch and I had to take my sweatshirt off because it was too hot. Clearly a day for the Summerfest Lager.

Scene Setting: The end of a long day of hard work brewing my first Porter. What better than a little refreshment as I watch my beautiful bride organize her coupons for the next week of savings.

Verdict: Crisp and refreshing. The taste actually made me forget that it has been very cold for weeks now. I imagined myself sitting next to the water, sun reflecting off of my aviators while I kept close watch on the tip of my fishing pole in anticipation of the next bite.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Day 9 - Relentless Hefe, Brewery Name TBD

Victorious!! A night of victory. The Dallas Cowboys beat the Eagles and are going on to the next round of the playoffs. Not only were the "Boys" big winners tonight, but the "Wakeland Boys" were big winners too.

It all began on November 29th when we brewed our first batch of beer. We have anticipated the unveiling since then, and tonight was the big night. We each opened a bottle and turned it up.

Scene Setting: The living room at my parents house. The crowd on the tv cheering for us. Well, maybe they were cheering for the Boys but it felt like they were cheering for the unveiling of Relentless Hefe.

Verdict: I'm not sure that could have gone any better. The surprised look on my brothers face after the first drink worried me a little until I realized that his shock came from the taste of near perfection. I thoroughly enjoyed drinking a beer that I brewed myself.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Day 8 - Merry Christmas Happy New Year 2009, Anchor Brewing Company

It's funny how your kids take on traits from both parents. The grin and side glance you throw to your spouse when you see a new one begin to emerge. There's nothing better (or more terrifying sometimes)! For example, my 4 year old Corban. Mostly, now especially, he is all boy and you don't have to look too far to recognize a resemblance in yours truly. Today, however, it was my wife's turn. He walked into the room as she and I were taking the ornaments off of the Christmas tree. A deeply saddened boy began to whimper and then crawled into his mother's arms for comfort. "I don't want Christmas to be over" he said. That was where the glance took place. Both she and I knew about her "Christmas Blues" that come as early as the week before Christmas every year. The boy loves Christmas like his mother does. It was written all over his face.

And that is where today's beer choice comes in. I stopped by my beer store (and if you live within two hours of Arlington, TX it should be yours too!!) Dr. Jeckyll's Beer Lab for a few bottles of inspiration. Pat, the owner, loaded me up with 12 recommendations. One of which is Anchor's 2009 Christmas Beer. I thought that one would be fitting since we were singing the Christmas Blues all day.

Scene Setting: Amidst a pile of boxes awaiting me to carry them up the stairs and into the attic. Tree still lit giving the room a warm glow that will be gone soon, only to be roused by the smell of turkey and dressing next November.

Verdict: Sometimes things just click. I poured some in a glass and as I brought the glass to my mouth (before I could drink any) I was taken back to my childhood. Every year when it gets cold outside my mom brews her special spiced tea. The aroma of the beer took me back to one of the spices I would smell while sitting in the bar stool watching her masterpiece come together. I finished the beer while I unplugged the lights on the tree for the last time this year. Who knows, maybe I will be drinking Anchor's 2010 Christmas beer when I plug them in again.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Day 7 - Shiner Black Lager, Spoetzl

Tonight hasn't started so well. First, UT lost the National Championship. Second, our soccer team lost our game. Both were hard fought but there's only so much you can do a man down.

I needed a little pick me up but I wasn't sure what was going to do the trick.

I remembered that I borrowed The Black Donnellys from my brother, and I think now would be a good time to watch it. Now, what goes well with an Irish Mob? A dark beer, I think. It just so happens that the dark beer I have is Shiner Black Lager. So were gonna have a little Black and Black.

Scene Setting: An Irish mob community in New York where four brothers display how important family is.

Verdict: Black and Black, good combo. Shiner Black Lager is a good dark beer. I'm proud it's brewed in Texas.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day 6 - Frost, Spoetzl Brewery

What a day. Sometimes things just don't go how you plan them. All day long I looked forward to a certain beer that's been in my fridge waiting for me. After getting home, and doing several chores I felt like I would have been wasting that beer. It was late and the mood was gone. Great! Now I had to go to the store for beer because that was the only beer I had, and it couldn't be wasted. I still needed a beer for day 6.

Good thing I went. I found this seasonal ale from Shiner that I haven't seen yet this year. There was only one six pack of it left, and the name seemed fitting since we're expecting a little winter weather here soon.

Scene Setting: My couch (again) watching the weather channel, and the weather on demand with genius Jim Kosek. I'm so tired all I can do is flip between weather stations and wonder what book I'm going to read tomorrow when the windchill is 3 degrees outside.

Verdict: There was some good flavor to this beer. I enjoyed the story of the origin, and the coal miners that wanted a beer when the whistle blew ending the workday. I must be a coal miner. It was crisp and refreshing but I have to be honest I had trouble tasting much after that boiling cheese in my taco scarred my tongue at dinner tonight. But you can be sure that the remaining bottles will be revisited tomorrow while I read next to the fireplace. Hopefully that combo will be enough to deal with the windchill of 3 degrees!!