Sunday, February 28, 2010

Beer 52 - La Fin Du Monde, Unibroue

Today is the last day of the Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver, BC. What a finale we had with the Men's hockey gold medal match. Canada wins in OT. It was quite an outcome overall too with the Canadians never having won a gold on home turf. They came through big with the most golds at 14, even though the USA won the overall medal count with 37.

So it is in honor of Canada's success (and the fond memories of my honeymoon in Canada) that I drink this fantastic tripel from Unibroue.

Scene Setting: Reclining in my home office enjoying "La Fin Du Monde" (The End of the World) while reading Genesis and snippets of C.S. Lewis, a brilliant thinker.

Verdict: I just might travel to the end of the earth for a bottle of this stuff. Enticing aroma that fulfils its promise with a great blend of fruit and spice. I also enjoyed the champagne-like feel. Very classy.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Beer 51 - Leviathan Imperial Red, Harpoon Brewery

My day started by sleeping through my alarm. I guess I just hadn't recovered from the soccer game last night. That didn't matter though I still had to go to my 8 hour coaching clinic.

It felt like a long Saturday, but with all the activity I'm betting my body will feel like a Leviathan had it's way with me in my sleep. Tomorrow will be painful.

Scene Setting: Enjoying the couch with my sweetheart while watching the Olympics and SNL.

Verdict: 9.2% ABV speaks for itself. It starts with some good hops and a lot of them but is balanced with a mild malty feel.Overall though it's bitter and strong.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Beer 50 - Hop Devil, Victory Brewing Company

Today was a big day in the Beer Expedition. I finally hit a significant number. 50 feels like a victory, so I decided on a beer from Victory. That's also kind of ironic since we had it handed to us last night in our soccer game, NOT a victory!!

I really enjoy strong hops. I guess the name gives this one away, but aside from that Victory is known for their use of hops and many have said this one is bitter.

Scene Setting: Reflecting over both my soccer loss and all the beers along my journey. Flipping through absolutely nothing on TV.

Verdict: Very possibly the hoppiest beer I've had. If you don't like hops you won't be able to take this one. I enjoyed it because I like hops but can see how it may overwhelm some.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Beer 49 - Brown Ale, Tilburg's Dutch

I had the opportunity to get to know a new friend tonight. We had a new couple that came to our weekly gathering at our home to discuss real life and how to live it successfully with God's help. Our discussion was over conflict and how it can be beneficial. Tonight I learned that conflict can and should be used as a tool. I think conflict has the potential to bind you, but it also has the ability to move you forward to new understanding.

Being an introvert has its advantages, but my first thought when conflict arises is to internalize. It has been an ongoing lesson to learn how to communicate clearly what frustrates me.

Scene Setting: Sitting around the round table in the kitchen, having an ale, and talking about one of my new favorite subjects (homebrew).

Verdict: Sometimes browns are off of my radar. Beers like this one give me pause. I really enjoy browns and should pay more attention to them. This one had a minor sweetness mingled with a crisp feel that browns don't usually give me. I like this Brown.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Beer 48 - Butt Head, Tommyknocker Brewery & Pub

All afternoon I was feeling ornery. Sometimes I feel like I just want to be left alone or you can face the wrath of the Butt Head.

I can actually get kind of grouchy. I may have to go to bed early tonight.

Scene Setting: I just finished watching the USA beat the Canadians in hockey. Then I had to watch ice dancing. Maybe I'll dream about hockey.

Verdict: Slightly sweet, I think from the caramel. Mostly though it was a great malty ale full of mouth feel.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Beer 47 - Pipeline, Kona Brewing Company

Long, long day. I thought it was around 10:30pm and when I checked the clock it was only 7:15. I feel like I need to drink some coffee, but the Pipeline porter will have to do. It's made with 100% Hawaiian Kona Coffee.

Today was Kareah's first trip to Dr Jeckyll's so we celebrated with some Vanilla Cream Soda from Thomas Kemper for her.

Scene Setting: After we got home we eventually made it to the couch. Kareah with her cream Soda, and me with my coffee porter.

Verdict: Coffee is one of those things that I just don't like to do without. Whoever first thought of adding it to beer was/is a genius. The Pipeline Porter does a fantastic job of merging the two.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Beer 46 - Dead Guy, Rogue

Well today we had another 100% passing day. The world has 22 more adjusters!! I was excited to be able to go visit some of my previous students where my brother works now. Here's a shout out to Amy, Molly, Sarah, Gentry, and Connie!! It was great to see some of you again.
Not only that, I showed up to have my beer for the day and I ran into another student that came through my P&C Agent class a while back. He passed!!

Scene Setting: Relaxing at the Flying Saucer in Dallas after a long week of insurance training. Tim and I met up after his final day of training as an auto adjuster. That calls for a celebration.

Verdict: I like the Dead Guy. It was Tim's choice and I went with it too. I hadn't had a Rogue yet so it was a timely choice. For a dead guy he's pretty smooth. Light feel upfront with a good malty finish.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Beer 45 - Pete's Wicked Ale, Pete's Brewing Company

Taking in a little half pipe action with the men's snowboarding. Totally wicked!! Go Shaun White.

Lindsey Vonn pulled off some wicked speed in the downhill too. Go United States, we're the best.

Scene Setting: Glued to the TV watching the USA dominate. Democracy Rules, Go Freedom!!

Verdict: Brown ales are some of my favorites. I really enjoyed this one because of its unique rubyness. It had all the usual goodness of a strong brown, but also a mild sweet and sour finish.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Beer 44 - Drop Top Amber Ale, Widmer Brothers

Girls night has been moved back to Tuesday, so I had to become scarce. No problem, it's pint night at the Firehouse. Widmer and Kona were on tonight.

Tonight is one of those nights I want to sit alone and fade into deep thought. Sometimes (most of the time) that's what I prefer.

Scene Setting: Sitting by myself at a table pounding my competition at electronic poker. At the moment I have $29,000 in chips, and the player in second has $2,700.

Verdict: Nice floral aroma. Smooth texture and mild hops. This beer is easy to drink. I tend to prefer beer with more extreme flavors, but if you don't want your beer to bite back you will probably enjoy this one.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Beer 43 - Mighty Arrow, New Belgium Brewing

I stopped by the Firehouse to take one of the "Relentless Hefes" to James the owner for a taste test. He liked it. His opinion matters too. He's pretty knowledgeable about beer, and he's always trying to bring in new great beers. Some great Dogfish Head is coming soon, and everyone needs to go have some!!

Tim and I have gotten nothing but good feedback on our first home brew "Relentless Hefe." Feedback from a bar owner/beer aficionado, a home brew store owner, and a brewmaster from a Texas brewery. I'm not bragging, I'm just glad the first attempt was a success!

Scene Setting: At the Firehouse, enjoying a beer with James. He just got the Mighty Arrow on tap and I had to give it a shot. James mentioned they have a poker night that is about to move to Tuesday, and I plan to take part soon.

Verdict: I saw a documentary on New Belgium once and I love the brewery. It only makes it better that they make excellent beer. I enjoy pales a lot and this one is a favorite. Good aroma leads into an excellent use of hops. Light fruitiness with a mild finish.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Beer 42 - PranQster, North Coast Brewing

Sometimes my wife has a great sense of humor that comes through in her presents. One of her favorite things to do is give gifts (and receive them.) Today is Valentines Day and she has really come through big with my present. In case you missed it from the picture above, it's a T-shirt that says "I Love Beer!"

So it is in dedication to my hilarious wife that I drink the PranQster. I love you babe, and I appreciate your dedication to my goal of drinking a lot of beer.

Scene Setting: Watching the pairs figure skating short programs with my wife, having a great Valentines day. I wasn't even bothered that I was watching figure skating because I was too distracted by the fancy new T-Shirt I was wearing.

Verdict: So far I like everything that North Coast does, and this is near the top of the list. Pour this one into a glass to appreciate the great floral aroma. This ale gives some nice fruity flavors and has a crisp finish. A light feel even with the 7.6% ABV.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Beer 41 - Ten Fidy, Oskar Blues Brewery

Tim has been on me to watch Pineapple Express, so tonight we made it happen. It's been a while since I've laughed that hard. Today has been fun, we just hung out all day crackin' wise and laughing.

We stopped by Dr Jeckyll's to grab a few beers today, and this one caught my eye. A fellow insurance agent recommended it so I thought I'd give it a shot.

Scene Setting: Sitting on my couch with my bro. Watching TV and eating pizza from BJ's. That combo with this motor oil beer can't fail.

Verdict: Definitely the blackest beer I've ever seen. When I poured it the last few drops looked like syrup between the glass and can. I enjoyed this stout. If you like stouts and pushing the limits this beer will do it for you.

Beer 40 - Sisyphus 2007, Real Ale Brewing Company

I like Sisyphus. We have much in common. Not the whole cursed thing, but the whole pushing a rock uphill I get. Endurance is a theme in my life. If I have a goal to do something I am so bull headed until it's done. Life itself is that way. If you don't keep putting one foot in front of the other (pushing the boulder) you lose. Losing is not in my vocab. Endurance is.

Scene Setting: The Gingerman in Fort Worth with my brother Tim. A little U2/Red Hill Town. That, Pat Green, and Willie Nelson makes for great environment.

Verdict: Top notch barleywine. Sweet aroma with a mildly sweet taste. Not too sweet, just right for a barleywine. Again, I can't wait to go to Blanco.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Beer - 39 K-9 Cruiser, Flying Dog Brewery

Fun day today in the snow. The most snow we've had here in over 20 years. We all went outside to build a snowman and have a real snowball fight. I got one really good shot in on Corban. He peaked out of a playhouse right as my huge snowball found its mark on his forehead.

I decided to drink the K-9 Winter Ale in honor of the winter wonderland we've had around here, and the opening ceremonies of the 2010
Olympic games in Vancouver, BC. We have been anxiously looking forward to the winter Olympics.

Scene Setting: Hanging with the family watching the opening ceremonies. I think I could live in Vancouver. The scenery on the west coast of British Colombia is amazing. Maybe we will be able to go visit some friends that are starting a church there next month.

Verdict: Oh yeah. The perfect beer for today. Sometimes I wish certain beers weren't seasonal, but then again what would I look forward to. A sweet aroma yields to a fantastic malty beer with a mild hoppiness woven throughout. I wish I had more than one.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Beer 38 - Celebrator, Ayinger Brewery

Snow, snow, and more snow!! Let's celebrate. The district already canceled school for tomorrow. Maybe the kids will sleep in and we'll have something else to celebrate.

All morning I read from a book I picked up from the Half Price Books store, "The Strong Willed Child," by Dobson. A few of the discipline techniques and insight made me want to celebrate. It's been a great reminder that raising kids and leading a family doesn't have to be filled with stress, it can be a celebration!!

Scene Setting: Listening to the fire crackle in the fireplace, trying to stay warm for a few more minutes while I finish writing. In my mind though I'm already in bed, nice and toasty.

Verdict: Overall it was pretty good. It started off very sweet like molasses, which is not something I usually like. In the end though it came through with a slight hop. Enough aftertaste to keep me drinking it. I would suggest it to all my dark beer friends that like sweet flavors.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Beer 37 - Golden Monkey, Victory Brewing Company

I don't think I have ever been so glad to be done with a class. I verified today that there is such a thing as a stupid question. That's just something instructors tell you to make you feel better. Yeah, it was a dumb question. Everyone behind you was making faces.

Victory! It actually felt like a victory when I stopped talking after the last unit. I imagined trumpets, confetti, champagne bottles opening, and angels singing. I also imagined the sound my hand would make as I slapped that one student in the back of the head.

Scene Setting: I am a fly on the wall. A satellite circling the planet of "Girlsnight." All was ok through the discussion about careers but it took a nose-dive when we entered PMS, and barely made it into crazy professors. Don't ask me how we got from PMS to crazy.

Verdict: I really enjoyed this tripel. Great spices, but what really got my attention was the strength. A strong alcohol content yet a smooth flavor. I'm looking forward to more from Victory.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Beer 36 - The Original Sorghum Malt Beer, Bard's Beer

I had never heard of a sorghum malt beer before, but it looked interesting to me as I looked over my options at the Whole Foods beer selection.

I guess if you want to drink beer but you have Celiac Disease this is a good option for you, as it has no wheat, barley, rye, or oats. Its only ingredients are water, sorghum, hops, and yeast.

Scene Setting: Just sat down after a long day of teaching others about insurance. Some days feel longer than others, but even on a good day 9 hours is a long time to talk about insurance.

Verdict: The flavor is good. Part of the uniqueness tastes a little sweet. I don't really like sweets too much, but would readily accept this as a viable option periodically or if I had Celiac Disease. Those of you who like beer and sweets should try this one.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Beer 35 - Ranger IPA, New Belgium Brewing

When I see or hear the word ranger my first thought is not the Texas Rangers even though I live in Arlington, or because Lonesome Dove is my favorite movie about the Texas Rangers that fought the Indians to protect the settlers. My first thought is of Aragorn the ranger and rightful king in The Lord of the Rings.

Aragorn is mysterious, powerful, and unaffected by the evil force that controls the ring. You can't help but want to be like him. He pushes himself to the limit covering miles of earth on foot in extreme terrain and temperatures, fighting legions of evil creatures, and all to protect the people of the earth from the evil one. You can draw your own parallel if you want to, but I think that is not unlike the battle we fight to save and preserve our family and friends on this earth.

Scene Setting: Reading a little of the The Two Towers (yes I know I read way to many books at once, but I like to keep my options open). Aragonr, Legolas, and Gimli were just reintroduced to the new and improved Gandalf.

Verdict: Very hoppy. You'll have to get one and read the bottle to understand this part, but Yes I'm a hopinista and I'm glad that the Beer Rangers made this well balanced IPA. If I lived in Colorado I would work for New Belgium Brewing!!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Beer 34 - Stout, Saint Arnold Brewing Company

Victory or Death. That was the resolve of our first president as he lead troops in a war for our independence. I think it should also be our resolve as we live our lives. It may seem like those are our only two options because eventually one of the two will come to pass. There is one more option though, and that is to run in the face of danger and opposition. I think that's the option old George threw out.

Scene Setting: After all the kids went down to bed I sat down to watch "A drive through history" about George Washington. That is a man I can drink to. He was stout.

Verdict: Stout, very stout. It starts strong and doesn't yield much, but the flavor was smooth. Here's to the Patron Saint of Brewing.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Beer 33 - Piranaha Pale Ale, BJ's Brewhouse

With a few errands to run and a car load of boys we decided to go let them get rid of some of their energy at the mall playground. After an hour of chasing them around we worked up quite an appetite so off we went for some pizza and beer. Good opportunity for me to catch up on one of the days I missed when I was sick.

Scene Setting: BJs Brewhouse in Arlington, having a great lunch with my wife. It's been a while since I've had the Bacon Cheeseburger Pizza. Delicious! Fantastic waitstaff and managers too. The experience here is always good.

Verdict: I love pales and this one is near the top of my list. Great floral aroma with a good bite from the hops and a crisp finish. It's one of my favorites from BJ's

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Beer 32 - Anniversary Stout 250, Guinness

"We must all fear evil men but there is another kind of evil which we must fear most, and that is the indifference of good men." -The Boondock Saints

The degradation of our society has primarily come from the indifference of good men. First, we need to resurrect the production of "good men," and second we need the "good men" that are out there to put on their armor and fight.

Scene Setting: Watching the Boondock Saints and trying to stay warm on the couch with a little Guinness Anniversary Stout.

Verdict: This Anniversary Stout has a hint of the regular stout except that I'm noticing some chocolate undertones, and a little higher quality (not that Guinness doesn't bring superior quality every time.) I think the Anniversary has the essence of celebration with it, an extra smoothness. With Guinness and the Boondock Saints you can't go wrong.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Beer 31 - Midas Touch, Dogfish Head Craft Brewery

All day I was looking forward to coming home and drinking a great beer! Great might be an understatement.

After dinner we watched "This is it," the documentary about what would have been Michael Jackson's last tour. As odd as he was sometimes, he definitely had the Midas Touch. Without a doubt he was a brilliant artist.

Scene Setting: Sitting amazed as I watched the moves that made me put the glove on and moonwalk through the living room when I was a kid. I had the Billie Jean routine down!

Verdict: I honestly had no idea what to expect with this ale. Barley, honey, white muscat grapes, and saffron? Every drink opened with a sweetness, the strength built, and it ended with a dryness reminiscent of a smooth wine. I didn't want to finish it. I wanted to savor every drop.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Beer 30 - Lhasa Beer, Tibet Lhasa Brewery

I went on my lunch break today from teaching in the fun filled world of insurance. Down to the Whole foods to get some pizza by the slice. Who knew that I would find one of the best beer selections in Arlington there. I have not seen a grocery store anywhere come close to offering the same abundance.

I was feeling a little a little exotic today, so I decided to go with this one from Tibet. Brewed with Himalayan spring water sounds pretty exotic to me.

Scene Setting: Having a peanut butter, jelly, and Doritos sandwich. Sitting with my fuzzy headed, 8 month old, smiley son, waiting on my wife to get back from couponing at Kroger. As you can see my life is pretty exotic, even without beer from Tibet.

Verdict: Crisp at the beginning, but the maltiness takes over soon. Great earthy feel in the aftertaste. I'd probably drink it again but I read something about it being brewed by communists. I guess I'll have to do a little research. I don't support communism.