Friday, February 19, 2010

Beer 46 - Dead Guy, Rogue

Well today we had another 100% passing day. The world has 22 more adjusters!! I was excited to be able to go visit some of my previous students where my brother works now. Here's a shout out to Amy, Molly, Sarah, Gentry, and Connie!! It was great to see some of you again.
Not only that, I showed up to have my beer for the day and I ran into another student that came through my P&C Agent class a while back. He passed!!

Scene Setting: Relaxing at the Flying Saucer in Dallas after a long week of insurance training. Tim and I met up after his final day of training as an auto adjuster. That calls for a celebration.

Verdict: I like the Dead Guy. It was Tim's choice and I went with it too. I hadn't had a Rogue yet so it was a timely choice. For a dead guy he's pretty smooth. Light feel upfront with a good malty finish.


Tim said...

Agreed. I was pleasantly surprised with the dead guy myself. Loved the way it finished.

Anonymous said...

For a dead guy, he's pretty smooth. LOL.

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