I like Sisyphus. We have much in common. Not the whole cursed thing, but the whole pushing a rock uphill I get. Endurance is a theme in my life. If I have a goal to do something I am so bull headed until it's done. Life itself is that way. If you don't keep putting one foot in front of the other (pushing the boulder) you lose. Losing is not in my vocab. Endurance is.
Scene Setting: The Gingerman in Fort Worth with my brother Tim. A little U2/Red Hill Town. That, Pat Green, and Willie Nelson makes for great environment.
Verdict: Top notch barleywine. Sweet aroma with a mildly sweet taste. Not too sweet, just right for a barleywine. Again, I can't wait to go to Blanco.
Scene Setting: The Gingerman in Fort Worth with my brother Tim. A little U2/Red Hill Town. That, Pat Green, and Willie Nelson makes for great environment.
Verdict: Top notch barleywine. Sweet aroma with a mildly sweet taste. Not too sweet, just right for a barleywine. Again, I can't wait to go to Blanco.
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