It seems, at least so far, that you never stop learning about those even closest to you. Sometimes I ask my daughter probing questions with the intent of knowing her better.
"If you could live anywhere where would you live?" She said that she wanted to live at her grandmother's house. I was, at first, a little taken back by her answer. I wondered why she didn't like living with us. Through a few more questions I find that her purpose is space. She likes to play in a large front yard. She also loves animals, specifically horses. As soon as I heard her hearts request my mind began thinking of how I could make it happen.
Scene Setting: Enjoying a nice fire as I watch "Sense and Sensibility" with my wife. The estates with the rolling hills caused me to remember my daughters request, as I drink my oktoberfest beer wondering what change might occur by next October.
Verdict: Very sweet aroma and flavor, although not overwhelming. Malty with a dry finish. There is a lot going on with the flavors and aromas but all positive.