Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day 6 - Frost, Spoetzl Brewery

What a day. Sometimes things just don't go how you plan them. All day long I looked forward to a certain beer that's been in my fridge waiting for me. After getting home, and doing several chores I felt like I would have been wasting that beer. It was late and the mood was gone. Great! Now I had to go to the store for beer because that was the only beer I had, and it couldn't be wasted. I still needed a beer for day 6.

Good thing I went. I found this seasonal ale from Shiner that I haven't seen yet this year. There was only one six pack of it left, and the name seemed fitting since we're expecting a little winter weather here soon.

Scene Setting: My couch (again) watching the weather channel, and the weather on demand with genius Jim Kosek. I'm so tired all I can do is flip between weather stations and wonder what book I'm going to read tomorrow when the windchill is 3 degrees outside.

Verdict: There was some good flavor to this beer. I enjoyed the story of the origin, and the coal miners that wanted a beer when the whistle blew ending the workday. I must be a coal miner. It was crisp and refreshing but I have to be honest I had trouble tasting much after that boiling cheese in my taco scarred my tongue at dinner tonight. But you can be sure that the remaining bottles will be revisited tomorrow while I read next to the fireplace. Hopefully that combo will be enough to deal with the windchill of 3 degrees!!


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