First, I've decided to change the format of my titles from Day 21 to Beer 21. It only makes sense now after being very sick and missing a day or two. It may not be day 21, but it is definitely beer 21. And it's really all about the beer anyway, not the day.
Ambiance is important to me, for some weird reason. I feel like if I'm drinking a barley wine I should be reading something like Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, some Sherlock Holmes, or the Bible. Which happened to play a role in my beer selection this fine evening.
Scene Setting: The very broken in "comfy couch" in our front sitting room I guess you'd call it, since that appears all you could do in this room. Well you can read too, that's what I'm doing. I just got my new ESV Study Bible and I cracked it open to Genesis. It's gigantic. It is full of extra material on the author of genesis, arrangement, themes, History of Salvation, Genesis and History, Genesis and Science, Reading Genesis in the 21st Century, Maps, Outlines, Genealogies. Ohhh yeah. You know that feeling when an author can just take hold of you and before you know it your in another world. Every time I read the Word of God the words and stories move deep into me and echo the same thing. I am assured that even though I'm undeserving God himself desires to know me, and save me not only from a life of brokenness, but from an eternity without His presence.
Verdict: Although I have had a barleywine that I didn't like, I am certain that if done properly this style of beer is near the top of my preference list. The 10% ABV does add to the beauty. I very much enjoyed the Monster Ale tonight.
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