You just know it's gonna be a good night when your friends call and ask if they can bring you beer. There's only one answer to that question. It only made it better that when Brian came to drop it off he got to stay a while and catch up. We are both so busy with work and coaching our kids teams that we don't get to hang out much.
Like I said in my profile, beer generates community. Finally a little time to talk some philosophy, politics, religion, and sports.
Scene Setting: Hangin in my living room with Brian. We covered everything from Obama to How to coach a 7 yr old boys basketball team proper defense. A discussion that could at any moment (and may have for all we know) take just the right turn and change the world forever.
Verdict: I have to be honest. Tonight was the first time I can remember typing LOL to anyone. I just don't do that. But Amber texted me from the beer isle and asked if I wanted Mike's Hard Lemonade. I actually laughed out loud, so I thought it only fair to let her know. I'm still not sure if that was a joke or not, but it sure was funny. What she ended up sending with Brian was much more appropriate (he snobbishly said). I think she might have picked that one because it had her name in it. This is a good beer to have around. I enjoyed the citrus hints and the malty finish. Not only that, my wife liked it which is rare.
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