It's funny how your kids take on traits from both parents. The grin and side glance you throw to your spouse when you see a new one begin to emerge. There's nothing better (or more terrifying sometimes)! For example, my 4 year old
Corban. Mostly, now especially, he is all boy and you don't have to look too far to recognize a resemblance in yours truly. Today, however, it was my wife's turn. He walked into the room as she and I were taking the ornaments off of the Christmas tree. A deeply saddened boy began to whimper and then crawled into his mother's arms for comfort. "I don't want Christmas to be over" he said. That was where the glance took place. Both she and I knew about her "Christmas Blues" that come as early as the week before Christmas every year. The boy loves Christmas like his mother does. It was written all over his face.
And that is where today's beer choice comes in. I stopped by my beer store (and if you live within two hours of Arlington, TX it should be yours too!!) Dr.
Jeckyll's Beer Lab for a few bottles of inspiration. Pat, the owner, loaded me up with 12
recommendations. One of which is Anchor's 2009 Christmas Beer. I thought that one would be fitting since we were singing the Christmas Blues all day.
Scene Setting: Amidst a pile of boxes awaiting me to carry them up the stairs and into the attic. Tree still lit giving the room a warm glow that will be gone soon, only to be roused by the smell of turkey and dressing next November.
Sometimes things just click. I poured some in a glass and as I brought the glass to my mouth (before I could drink any) I was taken back to my childhood. Every year when it gets cold outside my mom brews her special spiced tea. The aroma of the beer took me back to one of the spices I would smell while sitting in the
bar stool watching her masterpiece come together. I finished the beer while I unplugged the lights on the tree for the last time this year. Who knows, maybe I will be drinking Anchor's 2010 Christmas beer when I plug them in again.